Monday, March 29, 2010

Othello Times

It has been a while since I have posted anything so, in an effort to get caught up I will post a few pics and brief descriptions of Elder Robertson's time in Othello.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Elder Robertson goes (back) to Washington!

For the last six months Elder Robertson has been serving in Moscow, Idaho. He loved it there and it came to feel like home to him. However, transfers are all a part of the missionary experience, and this week Elder Robertson was assigned to Othello, Washington. He is assigned to work as the District Leader in an all Spanish speaking district, which means that all of the missionaries that he has stewardship over, including his own companion, were called to learn Spanish and work among the Spanish speaking population of the area. The only odd thing about this is, Josh isn't assigned as a Spanish speaking missionary. He does know a little Spanish so hopefully that will be enough to help him get by; however, he will need lots of extra prayers. His new address is:
Elder Joshua Robertson
505 N. 14th Ave.
Othello, WA 99344

Monday, November 16, 2009

The life of a hard and work hard!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jacob and his new bride Connie on their wedding day about a month before Jacob's baptism.
Elder Robertson and Elder Starnes with Faith and her mother on Faith's baptism day.

Baptism of Chris and Crystal just before Josh transfered from Spokane.

Overdue Update

It is hard to believe that it has been since July that I have updated Elder Robertson's blog. So much has happened during the past 3 months that I better give the Reader's Digest Version of the new developments. Elder Robertson was assigned to work with Elder Starnes for two transfer periods, but then he was assigned a "Greenie Missionary" Elder Miller. this is Elder Robertson's first time as a trainer in addition to being the District Leader. He has loved working with Elder Miller and the two of them have been teaching many people. They had a couple of baptisms, a little girl named Faith, and a guy named Jacob who looks like Vin Disel. They have another person, Jeremy, on date for baptism, and the two of them are teaching Maggie, Jane, Andrea, Antonio, Frank, and Robert.
Last weekend Elder Bednar from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles visited the mission and Elder Rasban of the Quorum of the Seventy was with him. Josh seemed especially touched by Elder Bednar's address. It is amazing to witness the transformation that is going on with my son. He doesn't even realize it, but the Spirit has tutored him in such a way that can't be described. I asked him recently if he feels like he has changed and he said he didn't notice anything other than he has a greater love for the scriptures and that his testimony has grown. But what I notice is the change in him because of his deepened testimony.
On the lighter side, Elder Robertson's very first companion, Elder Hunter has finished his service as a missionary and returned home to Colorado for almost one month before he left for college. He called our home to visit with us. How fun it was to chat with him and talk about the things that we learned from Josh through letters, and to learn a few things that we didn't know.
I gave Elder Robertson a hard time about his hair cut and gave him new instructions on how to get it cut the next time. I basically told me he liked his hair just fine and it was easy to take care of. I guess I can't mother him like I would like to anymore.
Yesterday was transfers again, and it looks like Josh will be in Moscow for another 6 weeks at least. By then he will be so close to his halfway mark. I never thought that I would say this, but I can't believe that it is going by as quickly as it is.